Jaipur of Chigwell


Woodford Green, 734 Chigwell Road

2 for 1

excludes fri
Excludes Friday
excludes sat
Excludes Saturday
Bank Hols
Excludes Bank Holidays
excludes celebration days
Excludes Celebration days

Please Note: While the tastecard discount does not usually include specials, Jaipur of Chigwell is happy for diners to chose a special for a small surcharge. Please enquire when ordering for further details. You must book in advance and mention the tastecard to be entitled to the tastecard restaurant discounts. The tastecard restaurant discounts are not available on celebration days including, but not limited to: Valentine's Day, Mothering Sunday, Father's Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Indian cuisine is served in style at Jaipur of Chigwell, where diners can expect a sumptuous meal in relaxed surroundings. The venue is as inviting as they come, with stylish cushioned seating, traditional carpeting and calming cream walls adorned with fantastic paintings; making it a fabulous setting from which to spend some quality time with loved ones. From the mild and creamy korma to the fiery madras, the traditional favourites are out in force at Jaipur of Chigwell, while there is also a number of restaurant specialties for those in search of something a little different. What's more, any meal is to be enhanced for those savvy enough to tastecard it, thanks to the superb restaurant discounts available to all that call in advance and dine with their card. Whether it's for a small family gathering, a quick bite with some old friends or a pleasant evening out with the significant other, one and all can expect the warmest of welcomes.

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Jaipur of Chigwell,
734 Chigwell Road,
Woodford Green,
IG8 8AL,
United Kingdom