You can book your Alton Towers tickets for any date that suits you, as long as it’s available on our online booking portal. There isn’t a set notice period, but if you’ve got a date in mind we’d recommend getting in there early to avoid disappointment.
You can’t use more than one tastecard within the same booking. But you can use your tastecard to buy multiple Alton Towers tickets at once, so the discount will apply to your entire group booking.
Yes, Alton Towers offers discounts every day of the week with tastecard!
With a tastecard, you can buy a 1 or 2 day pass to enjoy entry to Alton Towers theme park from 10am.
Our Alton Towers discount varies up to 53% off.
Yes. Alton Towers asks guests to book online as it allows them to manage the number of guests who visit their park each day, so that they can enjoy as many rides and attractions as possible. Luckily, it couldn’t be easier to book online through tastecard (and make the most of our fab Alton Towers deals).