Frankie & Benny's - Merthyr Tydfil - Rhydycar

American Italian


Merthyr Tydfil, Unit 8, Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Village

2 for 1

excludes fri
Excludes Friday
excludes sat
Excludes Saturday
Bank Hols
Excludes Bank Holidays
excludes celebration days
Excludes Celebration days

tastecard’s 2 for 1 on starters, mains and desserts offer is available from Sunday – Thursday. Not valid on Friday or Saturday. Please let the server know when being seated that you intend to use your tastecard. Each tastecard discount is valid for up to 6 people per card, with only 1 card able to be used per table. This offer may not be valid on event days, please call ahead if you are looking to dine in at any of our event restaurants: Wembley Designer Outlet, Cardiff St David’s, Greenwich O2, Sheffield Meadowhall, Oxford, Manchester Printworks, and Sheffield. The offer is not valid on Bank Holidays, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or New Year's Day. tastecard's offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, voucher, set menu or discount. Welcome to Frankie & Benny's! Bringing together the best of New York and Italian cuisine and providing members with big flavours and massive choice at great value, the restaurant chain is a must-visit should anyone find themselves near one of their exquisite, American diner style restaurants. Whether it's for a juicy chicken burger or an Italian classic like pasta, they have something for everyone! Frankie & Benny's have been a much loved, restaurant of choice of many for over 20 years and offer families a place to go for a fun, comforting meal where diners can enjoy some well-deserved, chilled out family time. They cater to all tastes, appetites and dietary needs, a wondrous collection of vegetarian dishes and, for those that feel like a lighter bite, a host of smaller, healthier dishes are available. Grab a beer with friends and enjoy a real home-from-home meal in style with Frankie & Benny's.

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Frankie & Benny's - Merthyr Tydfil - Rhydycar,
Unit 8, Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Village,
Merthyr Tydfil,
CF48 1UT,
United Kingdom