Il Gusto Italian Restaurant Paddington


London, 11 Craven Rd, Paddington

2 for 1

call in advance
Call in advance
excludes fri
Excludes Friday
excludes sat
Excludes Saturday
Bank Hols
Excludes Bank Holidays
excludes celebration days
Excludes Celebration days
excludes dec
Excludes December

Please Note: You must book in advance and mention the tastecard to be entitled to the tastecard restaurant discounts. The tastecard restaurant discounts are not available on bank holidays and celebration days including, but not limited to: Valentine's Day, Mothering Sunday, Father's Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The discount is also unavailable throughout December. Anyone looking to eat out in London's Paddington area, Il Gusto offers up a fantastic spot to enjoy sumptuous Italian cuisine in England's capital city. The warmest of welcomes is extended to all that cross the threshold, the venue being ideal for all parties, whether it's for friends catching up, a small family gathering or couples after a spot of intimacy. The dining style is made for spending quality time with loved ones over some exquisite food and drink, and this all the more apparent at Il Gusto, whose friendly service team do all they can to make it one of the more relaxing London restaurants. The menu boasts a wealth of pizzas and pastas alongside such delights as a flavoursome lamb shank and a divine fillet of seabass; catering well to many a taste and appetite. There are few better value settings for dining out in London than Il Gusto, who invite tastecard members to sample anything found on the a la carte menu as they incur some superb restaurant discounts. What's more, as it's sat just a stones throw away from iconic attractions like Hyde Park, Kensington Palace and the Marble Arch, it is ideally located for anyone looking to conclude a day of exploration in style.

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Il Gusto Italian Restaurant Paddington,
11 Craven Rd, Paddington,
United Kingdom