The Voodoo Rooms


Edinburgh, 19a West Register Street

2 for 1

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Call in advance
excludes fri
Excludes Friday
excludes sat
Excludes Saturday
excludes celebration days
Excludes Celebration days
excludes dec
Excludes December

Please Note: The tastecard offer is not available during the Edinburgh Fringe festival. One of Edinburgh's sleekest style bars, The Voodoo Rooms bar is located above the Cafe Royal. The interior is dominated by a long black leather-studded bar and guests sip quality cocktails (like the rather decadent Tip of the Hat, a blend of Tanqueray 10 Gin, hot ginger syrup and absinthe diluted with fennel tea ice cubes) in semi-circular booths. The space is compact, but richly and evocatively decorated with an intricate ceiling painted in shades of black and gold. Service is efficient and friendly and the atmosphere is determinedly upmarket and the five room space regularly plays host to special events, gigs and parties. They aim to provide an eclectic and exotic range of live music, cabaret, clubs, events, gatherings, happenings, exhibitions & screenings so diverse and electrifying that it won't just be their fine drinks, dining and lounging that will draw you back. Food is served from 4pm - 10pm Monday - Thursday, and from noon - 10pm Friday - Sunday.

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The Voodoo Rooms,
19a West Register Street,
EH2 2AA,
United Kingdom